Meet our CODE_n CONTEST Finalists 2016: KREATIZE from Germany

08/18/2016  |  CODE_n Alumni, Interview, Startups

The next part of our startup series is here! This time, you’ll get to know KREATIZE, one of our Connected Mobility finalists from Tübingen, Germany. KREATIZE helps companies to take advantage of the benefits of digital transformation by changingthe way that custom parts are ordered and manufactured. Co-Founder & CEO Simon Tüchelmann told us more about KREATIZE.

Kreatize_logoWhat is KREATIZE all about? How did you come up with the idea?

Simon: KREATIZE is about revolutionizing the way companies order and manufacture technical parts, exploring manufacturing possibilities for given geometries and the way businesses interact with each other, through outstanding digital tools, machine learning algorithms and intuitive design. KREATIZE is about empowering every engineer to realize great products, it is about converting high tech prototypes into mainstream products, ultimately making custom manufacturing so competitive that high quality prosthesis, green cars or fast and safe travelling options are widely available due to the decreased development costs.

I faced the challenge of high transactions costs when trying to realize high quality custom parts. I noticed that the search for the right production process, materials and reliable suppliers was very cumbersome for both parties: customers and suppliers. I knew something needed to be done in order to drastically reduce the transactions costs. Therefore, I engaged Daniel Garcia Rodriguez to look for ways to create a digital solution which would ease the pain. After looking at the multiple components of the manufacturing process, from prototype to delivery, we came up with the idea of the smart project realizer which led to the basis of what KREATIZE is now.

“Digital Disruption“ – that’s the motto of this year’s CODE_n CONTEST. What makes your solution innovative, what makes it disruptive?

Simon: KREATIZE is an agent for digital transformation in the manufacturing world, we are the supply chain management and procurement solution for the 21st century. Before KREATIZE, most of the processes were analog, from costing and pricing, to order placement. Phone calls, fax, emails and spreadsheets were the common tools.

We see the disruptive power of our solution by the initial reaction of our customers and suppliers. The idea of being able to calculate a price of a complex geometry in seconds is quickly dismissed, to imagine finding a manufacturing processes and the right suppliers within a couple of seconds is referred as impossible. The excitement and curiosity that follows after we explain the basis of our manufacturing matching and costing algorithm convince us that KREATIZE is about to disrupt the way that custom parts are ordered and manufactured.

Kreatize CEO Simon Tüchelmann (© Kreatize)

KREATIZE CEO Simon Tüchelmann (© KREATIZE)

To put it in a nutshell: for customers, KREATIZE will become the one stop solution for supply chain management and procurement. For suppliers, the number one online point of sale and a new way to manage their production and capacities more efficiently.

You’re one  of the 13 finalists in the Connected Mobility contest cluster. Which challenges do you think young companies have to face in this sector? How do you handle these challenges? 

Simon: The biggest challenge we faced and we think that young companies in the sector have, is the acceptance by highly successful, traditional, established and outstanding companies. We believe that early adoption and acceptance is crucial for the success of early stage companies. Additionally, working with large and/or “old economy” companies comes with substantial resistance to change. We handled these challenges by establishing partnerships with leading academic institutions and manufacturing companies in Europe. This allowed us to approach the market from a different perspective, and get a shot of showcasing SME the benefits of digital possibilities. Once the entrance barrier is broken, companies in the sector love the possibilities, however, getting through the first door is a big challenge.

On your website, you call yourself „#Digital-transformers“. What do you think will be the next “big thing” when it comes to the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector?

Simon: KREATIZE! All joking aside – we strongly believe in the power of collaboration and digital solutions to improve the way companies work together. Most of the SMEs in Germany and Europe have a strong network of suppliers but increasingly volatile demands ask for more flexible and automated integration of suppliers and customers towards a digital supply chain which is to some extent self-adjusting to changing demands. Manufacturing companies in Europe went through hard times, now it’s time to embrace the opportunities of digital transformation! We are convinced that SMEs in Europe will use the chance of digitalization and will regain its former strength.