Guest feature | Codeatelier @ CODE_n new.New Festival

10/12/2016  |  CODE_n Alumni

Like the festival wristband? Cool! Fancy food trucks & Indie rock pop? Top international startups? We can’t miss that! That’s why homee goes festival. From September 20 to 22 the Codeatelier Team took part in the CODE_n new.New Festival in Karlsruhe.

codeatelier_2We’re back as alumni!

This year CODE_n invited us to Karlsruhe, so that we could present our product homee to the festival visitors. As CODE_n alumni, we were allowed to take our place in the Community Area.

How did we manage to get there? For Codeatelier and homee, the journey started as long ago as 2013: Back then, in the CODE_n13 competition, which took place in Hannover during CeBit, we made it into the finalists – and won! homee convinced the jury and was honored with two prizes.

homee has become famous

Today, three years later, we can look back on a period of success. Without the opportunities provided by a platform like this, homee might not be in the position which we now enjoy: established in the smart home market. Each and every day, we are delighted that our Smart Home control unit makes living more convenient for our customers.


homee and its fans

The event was a huge success, thanks to fascinating discussions, familiar faces, and large numbers of festival visitors who were attracted by our brightly colored cube. If this continues, homee will be signing autographs at the next festival 😉

Spotlight on

“Light on – light off” – throughout the festival, we demonstrated everything that homee can do, e.g. remote control of lights using an app. But homee can obviously do much, much more than that. If you want to find out all about the exciting projects of our homee users, then take a look here.


homee on stage

And this is our head of homee: Timo Göbel, during the Alumni Talk. Timo presented our homee product, and took a look back to the time of the startup – the challenges that we faced, and how we overcame them. And then for our cubes, there was of course a modest amount of stage diving through the spectators.


It was an awesome festival! Thank you CODE_n for your support and for your work which makes it possible for young founders to get started. We are very pleased that three years later our idea has become a real product which we were able to proudly exhibit at the CODE_n new.New festival in Karlsruhe.