Want to stand out with your startup in HealthTech? Apply for the CODE_n CONTEST!

05/11/2016  |  Entrepreneurship, EVENTS, Startups

Your startup in the field of HealthTech is making a true difference for our everyday life! When digitalization merges into the health sector, we witness life-changing discoveries. Every advance in this sector is a victory – from improved diagnostics, to innovative prosthetics or profitable data management. Medical technologies revolutionize step by step the treatment and prevention of diseases. Therefore, health is one of the most important fields where technology needs to be applied: In 2015 medical technology was again the field where the most patent applications (12 474) were filed and with a growth of 11% it was also one of the fastest growing sectors.


The combined health and health care sector is clearly one of the largest markets affected by the digital transformation. Startups in this field set the pace for medical care by growing and responding to the ongoing ‘consumerization’ of this sector. Breakthroughs in prognosis, information gathering and processing systems as well as new possibilities of medical devices, robotics, prosthetics or biotech embrace the future of MedTech. You have an innovative idea that will change the scope of medical technology? Then we are looking for you! Apply for the CODE_n CONTEST and get your promotion as best startup in HealthTech.

“Never before in history has innovation

offered promise of so much to so many in so short a time.”

Bill Gates

While global players struggle to keep pace, startups like yours are the drivers of innovation in the health industry. You are the ones who understand modern medical care and shift the focus to the people – to their data, their service needs and the easing of everyday life. Your mindset is shaped by the digital transformation in every aspect of life – therefore you own the optimal basis for groundbreaking technical improvements. To achieve the breakthrough for innovative ideas, startups can benefit from the support of strong partners and a wide business network. At the CODE_n CONTEST you get the unique chance to build those ties and to present your business to investors, media and potential customers. As a participant of the CONTEST you can benefit from free booth at the CODE_n new.New Festival as well as opportunities for networking, sales and business development – not to forget stage time, the CODE_n Award and prize money! All you have to do is submit your application until May 31st, 2016. Find out more about how you can benefit from the CODE_n CONTEST.


The aim of CODE_n is to bring startups and established companies together and to give them the opportunity to network, exchange and create valuable contacts for their business. We believe that the synergy of new and experienced companies boosts innovation processes and creates groundbreaking ideas. That is why we started the CODE_n CONTEST, which functions as a stage for the best startups in digital transformation, gives them visibility and the opportunity to talk to established companies at eye level. Do you want to stand out with your startup? Don’t miss your benefits from the CODE_n CONTEST! Submit your application until May 31st and get your boost! Apply now!